Introductory course in Gothenburg

Introductory course in Gothenburg

To become a good driver, you need to practice many hours.
Just practicing at the driving school costs many thousands of Swedish kronor and if you have limited finances you can train with a family member or friend, so-called private practice run.
If you choose to train privately, both you and your supervisor must attend an introductory course.

The course includes:
  • The goals and content of the driver's license training and rules for practice driving
  • Planning and structuring practice driving
  • Important factors for safety and the environment
During the course, we share all the experience we have of practice driving, how you create a safe and pleasant practice drive and avoid the most common mistakes. We regularly offer courses, see course overwiew

We also offer a highly appreciated V.I.P course where there is a maximum of 3 participants and driving training is included.
To take this course, you as a student must be 16 years old and have a valid driver's license.
Submit an expression of interest and we will plan a date that suits.

A mix between professionally guided and private practice provides the best conditions for becoming a safe driver.

If you have driving experience from another country, you rarely need to practice privately.
Your focus should be to learn the theory and understand any differences in Sweden's rules and marks.
Most people with experience only drive 2-6 driving lessons at driving school!
If you still want to practice privately, we recommend the V.I.P course.

A private tutor may not charge. If you pay a private tutor, it is illegal activity you are paying for, it is illegal and you can be convicted.
During police checks, valid permits for practice driving and ID cards must be shown.

The course is held with us at Chalmersgatan 31, in Gothenburg.
The course duration is 3 and a half hours incl. 2 breaks.
Students must be 15 years and 9 months old at the time of the course.
The tutor must have reached the age of 24 and held a driving license for 5 years
(the most recent 10-year period for a "tutor permit" to be issued)



Körningar kan bokas:
Måndag- torsdag 8.00-18.00
Fredagar 8.00-13.00
Receptionen är bemannad:
Måndag - onsdag 14.00-17.00
Övriga tider nås vi via mail
Vi träffas även via Zoom! 
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